Review of Journals about Environmental and Occupational Health


  • Shiva Pouradeli Occupational Environment Research Center, Medical School, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, IranOral and Dental Diseases Research Center, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Iran
  • Mohsen Rezaeian Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Occupational Environment Research Center, Medical School, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Iran



Occupations, Environment, Health, Database, Descriptive


Health in workforce leads to economic success and population health. It is essential that the results of research about the work environment and occupational health be published in relevant journals. The aim of this study was to review specialized journals about the work environment and occupational health field.This descriptive study was conducted in 2018. The Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) portal was used to search for the journals related to occupational health. NLM catalog of the PubMed database was searched to find and characterize journals. In the initial search, 508 titles of journals were found in the SJR portal in the public health, Environmental and Occupational Health field from which 38 specific journals publish articles related to environmental and occupational health. United States with 11 journals and the United Kingdom with 9 journals publish the maximum number of specific journals. Taylor & Francis Company publish most of these journals and only eight of them are open access. Five of these eight journals are published in Asia. Occupational and Environmental Medicine Journal has a higher impact factor (IF=3.965). The oldest journal began publication in 1949. Articles on environmental and occupational health are published in public health journals and specialized journals. Researchers can select the best journal related to environmental and occupational health to publish articles and the authors can publish their articles in any of the journals of this list, depending on the quality, time, place of research and the budget of the study.


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