The application and effectiveness of Hex editor Forensic in investigating cybercrime


  • Bandr Siraj Fakiha Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia



Hex editor, cybercrime, digital forensic, investigation, technology, security, risk


Information Technology usage and development has improved the efficiency and the flexibility of service provision among a number of institutions. While the process of computerization is taking place at a very high speed, the security surrounding the critical asset of IT is a major growing concern for the top management. The application of the digital forensic concept can therefore be helpful in curbing problems associated with cybercrime. The use of concepts relating to digital forensic investigation of criminal activities and digital forensics will, therefore, tackle the problem with finding digital evidence in cybercrimes. Hex editor is one of the various digital forensic investigation tools that allow the use of Hash Sets for identifying known safe files in program and operating system files. The tool is essential for identifying suspected files like Trojans, viruses, and hacker scripts. The paper seeks to establish the effectiveness of Hex editor in information technology security risk management. That is, the capabilities of Hex editor and the accuracy of Hex editor with regards to retrieving and analyzing data from a hard disc or drive in order to investigate and curb information technology security risk at the workplace. The researcher performed investigation on a Mozilla FxOS running on a phone released by Peak group in which case the researcher aimed to retrieve previous images that had been sent through the phone. In overall, Hex editor was able to identify the images and content of information that had been shared via the phone. Therefore, Hex editor is vital in identification, extraction, analysis, and presentation of digital evidence contained in digital devices. It is an effective tool that can be used by organizations for Forensic information technology security risk management. Keywords: Hex editor; Cybercrime; Digital Forensic; Investigation; technology, security, risk


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