“Hanging on by a thread.” Cognition and emotions in Medical Personnel during the COVID 19 Pandemic in Chihuahua, Mexico





pandemic, cognition, emotions


The experiences of the medical personnel of the central university hospital of Chihuahua during the Sars-COV2 pandemic are analyzed. To understand the anthropological relationship between cognition and emotions, a qualitative methodology was used, based on the conduction and interpretation of semi-structured interviews. The verbal testimonies of the physicians were analyzed for the ways in which they solved problems of different natures within the hospital, demonstrating the emergence of social and collaborative learning processes. In relation to their emotional experience, it was determined that emotions affect their performance, but, at the same time, emotional intelligence allowed them to understand the pandemic as an opportunity to learn non-technical skills, for example, thinking in humanitarian terms and using collaborative organization. It was concluded that the physicians, based on their socio-cognitive and emotional capacities, were able to learn to perform under social guidelines, in accordance with the goal of facing the pandemic and solving day-to-day problems in their medical practice, demonstrating high physical and emotional resilience.


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