Risk Factors For Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Canada and Provincial Variations
STDs, Risk Factors, Inequities, PolicyAbstract
Aim: To estimate factors associated with having ever had a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDs) in Canada and explore provincial variation. Methods: The 2009-2010 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) was used to examine demographic and behavioral factors associated with having ever had an STD. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted. Also, probit models were employed to estimate the probability of having ever had an STD in Canada. Results: People living in the Territories had the highest probability of having ever been diagnosed with an STD (OR = 2.11, 95% CI (1.76, 2.52)) and residents from Maritime Provinces were least likely to have been diagnosed with an STD (OR = .64, 95 % CI (.55, .74)). Women were more likely to have ever had an STD with an odds ratio of 2.06 (95% CI (1.90, 2.24)). In our study, income, marriage, and education were found to be protective factors. Behavioral factors such as smoking and binge drinking had significant harmful effects on sexual health. Daily smokers were 1.56 times (95% CI (1.43, 1.71)) more likely to have been diagnosed with an STD compared with non-smokers. Similarly, individuals with binge drinking frequency of more than once per week had 2.57 (95% CI (2.15, 3.07)) higher odds of having ever had an STD. Conclusion: Both demographic and behavioral factors influence the likelihood of having ever been diagnosed with an STD in Canada. Women, people with lower income, lower education, or unmarried are more likely to have ever had an STD. Smoking and binge drinking are significantly associated with an increase in the likelihood of ever having an STD in Canada. Appropriate policy interventions could address some of these factors leading to reductions in STD incidence and prevalence in Canada.References
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