Sweet extermination: Soda and beer, as trigger cause and complications in diabetics, among high land mayans of Chiapas, Mexico





Diabetes cause, Coke, Beer


Excessive intake of Coca-Cola and beer stand in High Land Chiapas as trigger cause in diabetes. With them a huge percentage of Maya population substitute water. In every day meal, an adult caloric income goes from 3566 to 4488 Kcal. If we ad Soda or beer, which by themselves represent 788 to 985 Kcal, then we have diets that provide more than 5000 Kcal. a day. Chiapas, is the world region where more Coke is consumed, the estimates go up to 180.65 gallons a year per person. In the USA, the average intake is 26 gallons. These paper is about the perception that Maya diabetics have about Coke and beer.


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Original Research