Organized social resistance: an Oral History and Collective Health approach


  • Francisco Daniel Irigoyen Padilla
  • Margarita Pulido Navarro


In this brief essay we take up the central categories that allow us to account for the life, work and health experiences of two education workers who have witnessed the intense period of struggle during the labor reform, disguised as "educational reform" that Peña Nieto imposed on education workers a few years ago. The identity shaped throughout life, in the social spaces of interaction is present. The incursion of oral history and social history, allows researchers a philosophical-epistemological reflection to approach the concrete totality, going from the sensible concrete, to the concrete thought, with the narratives of the protagonists through two life stories; one of them, that of a teacher with a long experience of struggle in favor of collective rights, from the organized social resistance; the other, is that of a teacher who balances from the canons of submission to hegemony. Both show subjectivity as the fundamental element to understand the paths through which health and illness are expressed and also allow to give way to an alternative to define healthy spaces where the emancipation of human capacities in the collectives to move towards health is propitiated and promoted. Key words: Organized Social Resistance, Oral History, Collective Health.

Author Biographies

Francisco Daniel Irigoyen Padilla

Consultor en procesos humanos y psicoterapeuta. Egresado del Doctorado en Ciencias en Salud Colectiva de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana UAM-Xochimilco.

Margarita Pulido Navarro

Profesora Investigadora. Departamento de Atención a la Salud. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco.


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How to Cite

Irigoyen Padilla, F. D., & Pulido Navarro, M. (2022). Organized social resistance: an Oral History and Collective Health approach. Medicina Social Social Medicine, 15(3), 111–118. Retrieved from



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